- Emerging Strength Life Coaching & Counseling
Categories: Addiction and Recovery Counseling , Alcohol Counselor , Couple Counselor , Couples Counseling , Couples Therapy , Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Life Coach , Life Coaching , Marriage and Family Therapy , Marriage Counseling , Marriage Counselor , Marriage Therapist , Online Drug and Alcohol Counseling , Personal Leadership Coaching , Psychotherapist , Relationship Counseling , Relationship Counselor , Virtual CBT Therapy , Virtual Family Therapist , Virtual Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Virtual Life Coach , Virtual Marriage Counseling , Virtual Personal Growth Counseling , Virtual Personal Leadership , Virtual Premarital Counseling , Virtual Psychotherapist , Virtual Therapy for Depression
Since the pandemic rocked our worlds alcohol consumption is way up evidenced by a 54% increase in alcohol sales. This has a lot of people trying to figure out how to make sense of this new behavior.
As a therapist and life coach I routinely deal with people navigating complex or sticky situations. People want to be free to live a life they love and this includes drinking. So when the pandemic pushed them into consumption levels they were not used to, they found it disconcerting and wondered what it all meant.
No one ever wants to say they are an alcoholic. So they want to know where they are in the continuum of use, misuse, and addiction. They also want to know what steps they can take to regain control over alcohol and get back to living their lives.
This eBook introduces proven mindfulness practices that are tailor made for real people with busy lives. From the big picture down to small details this book covers the big important things one needs to consider. While there are over 50 life hacks to tweak consumption, there are also significant questions about purpose and meaning in our busy world. The reader will come away with new insights into what it means to live a life they love.