- Emerging Strength Life Coaching & Counseling
Categories: Addiction and Recovery Counseling , Alcohol Counselor , Couple Counselor , Couples Counseling , Couples Therapy , Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Life Coach , Life Coaching , Marriage and Family Therapy , Marriage Counseling , Marriage Counselor , Marriage Therapist , Online Drug and Alcohol Counseling , Personal Leadership Coaching , Psychotherapist , Relationship Counseling , Relationship Counselor , Virtual CBT Therapy , Virtual Family Therapist , Virtual Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Virtual Life Coach , Virtual Marriage Counseling , Virtual Personal Growth Counseling , Virtual Personal Leadership , Virtual Premarital Counseling , Virtual Psychotherapist , Virtual Therapy for Depression
Covid changed how we function. Seriously, it changed how we function. I didn't realize just how much until I took a stress inventory and learned that high levels of stress predict health breakdown.
The test I am referring to is the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory. This is the one where you get points based on specific life events in the past year. The items are valued based on how stressful they are. The scores fall into 3 categories according to the Holmes-Rahe statistical prediction model.
Category One: You have a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptibility to stress-induced health breakdown.
Category Two: You have a 50% chance of experiencing a health breakdown in the next 2 years.
Category Three: You have an 80% chance of experiencing a health breakdown in the next 2 years.
Now, here is where this gets interesting. We all just went through a pandemic and it broke the scale. That's why I omitted the numbers. The changes that were forced upon us by no fault or choice of our own, are sufficiently stressful to produce a 50% or greater chance of a health breakdown. If you add to that some of the choices we have made in the past year contributed to our stress, then you can expect to be suffering and struggling to function within the next year.
What is a health breakdown?
The reality for millions of people is that the health breakdown is showing up right now. Feeling like you are overwhelmed and unable to escape the current of daily life, we struggle to stay alive. I describe a health breakdown as a pattern of suffering and struggle where you can't seem to get back to what is important to you. Other people may call it...
- Substance abuse
- Marital Difficulty
- Unable to focus
- Disorganized
- Overwhelmed
- Alcoholism
- Impaired functioning
- Anxiety
- Escapism
- Just not doing well
- Depression
- Sleep disturbance
- Trauma
A health breakdown can feel very disturbing. Feelings of fear, panic, and overwhelm short circuit our good judgement and make us impulsively try to escape for a moments peace. If unrecognized and untreated a health breakdown can have disastrous effects.
What You Can Do About It.
The first thing to do is recognize that your daily functioning is hindered by a health breakdown. Time is unlikely to be sufficient to heal and restore your functioning because every day has enough trouble of its own. Any margin you used to have is gone. An unexpected problem may be a minor issue but it impacts you in a major way. It overwhelms you. It prevents you from being the person you want to be and fulfilling your roles properly. This can lead to a cascade of problems, one right after the other. If left unchecked, your life could become unrecognizable.
The second thing you can do about your struggle is recognize who and what is important to you. When our health is breaking down we tend to focus solely on the importance of the problem going away. This usually involves some unhelpful or destructive behaviors. We can get trapped in a downward spiral. Getting clarity in the midst of chaos can be very difficult.
The third thing you can do about the suffering is to respond compassionately toward yourself. We tend to be overly critical in our self talk. Most of us would never speak to a friend with as much criticism as we lay upon our self. The relationship couldn't take it; and yet we talk to our self this way and create much self generated suffering. By responding kindly toward your self we can reduce the amount of suffering in our world.
Finally, we can commit to getting better. Restoring health is a return to being who we were meant to be while building a life we love. This involves a commitment of time, effort, and resources. This often means seeking out professional counseling or life coaching. It is very difficult to "just be" and "do what you love" when you're drowning. Reach out for help.
A good counselor or life coach will help you sort it all out and put things in their right place so that you can get back to living your life again.