Blog by Emerging Strength Life Coaching & Counseling


  • Emerging Strength Life Coaching & Counseling

Categories: Addiction and Recovery Counseling , Alcohol Counselor , Couple Counselor , Couples Counseling , Couples Therapy , Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Life Coach , Life Coaching , Marriage and Family Therapy , Marriage Counseling , Marriage Counselor , Marriage Therapist , Online Drug and Alcohol Counseling , Personal Leadership Coaching , Psychotherapist , Relationship Counseling , Relationship Counselor , Virtual CBT Therapy , Virtual Family Therapist , Virtual Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Virtual Life Coach , Virtual Marriage Counseling , Virtual Personal Growth Counseling , Virtual Personal Leadership , Virtual Premarital Counseling , Virtual Psychotherapist , Virtual Therapy for Depression

We are under a shelter in place order which means everyone should be at home unless they are considered essential. Mental health is an essential function so we are technically exempt. 

However, our decision is to use our online meeting space for added precautions. We have loved ones in at risk categories and we want to take precautions on their behalf. Every contact we reduce right now is a good thing.

Existing clients will be sent a link to use for our sessions. It is easy and private.

New clients will need to contact the office by phone to complete a brief intake screening and some paperwork. Once we have completed our intake conversation we can schedule the appointment and send you the link for to our online meeting room. Again, this is easy and private.

Please don't struggle all alone. We are here to help you find your strength.