Blog by Emerging Strength Life Coaching & Counseling


  • Emerging Strength Life Coaching & Counseling

Categories: Addiction and Recovery Counseling , Alcohol Counselor , Couple Counselor , Couples Counseling , Couples Therapy , Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Life Coach , Life Coaching , Marriage and Family Therapy , Marriage Counseling , Marriage Counselor , Marriage Therapist , Online Drug and Alcohol Counseling , Personal Leadership Coaching , Psychotherapist , Relationship Counseling , Relationship Counselor , Virtual CBT Therapy , Virtual Family Therapist , Virtual Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor , Virtual Life Coach , Virtual Marriage Counseling , Virtual Personal Growth Counseling , Virtual Personal Leadership , Virtual Premarital Counseling , Virtual Psychotherapist , Virtual Therapy for Depression

Can you name your strengths?

Most people identify a few of their strengths and note a lot of weaknesses. Social science has identified that everyone has 24 strengths.

It's not always easy to find your strengths. Insecurity, overthinking, low confidence, and self criticism are signs you are struggling with yourself.

Remember middle school gym class when everyone got the same tiny swimsuit and had to change in the locker room together? Experiences like this seem to prove just how real weaknesses can be. But consider this...  

Imagine being given a beautiful plant with the responsibility to keep it healthy and growing but without the information necessary to do so. This plant is unique. There is a good chance the plant will get weaker before it gets stronger simply because you don't know the plants characteristics. It isn't like other plants but we compare it to them anyways because it's a plant. So we go about trial and error hoping to figure it out before it's too late.

I don't know what you want to accomplish or how you want to live, but everything is easier when you are stronger. Take this FREE survey to identify all of your strengths. It will help you make peace with yourself and start living a life you love.

  • Identify all your strengths
  • See your strengths clearly
  • Boost self-awareness
  • Cultivate happiness with less work
  • Align your daily life with your strengths
  • Find enhanced well-being

At Emerging Strength Life Coaching and Counseling we provide additional insights and training to help clients apply their strengths to life's challenges, relationships, and personal goals. This is how we tailor our services just for you.